Please read the following instructions carefully before using the community-wide kelim mikvah:
1) The Keylim Mikvah must be accessed from the side of the building closest to the parking lot. The path, goes from the parking lot around the left side of the shed and then to the keylim mikvah door.
2) To enter the keylim mikvah you will need to enter this code on the keypad above the door handle: 1818
3) Once you are inside, you will need to remove the cover which has handles on it, in the center of the keylim mikvah before immersing your dishes. Please put the cover back after using the keylim mikvah.
Other important guidelines:
1) There is a donation of $5 per use which will enable us to maintain the Keylim Mikvah. There will be a locked box where donations can be made or payment can be made online.
2) We ask that the kelim mikvah be used only during day light hours Sun-Thurs 9 am – 4 pm and not on yom tov.
3) Please clean up and don’t leave garbage behind.
4) Make sure the door is closed before you leave.
HERE is a good review of the laws of Tevilat Keylim.
If you wish to donate the keli mikvah in honor or in memory of someone, as the space can be beautified, contact